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Showing posts from January, 2023

Emily Dickinson

 Today in class, we talked about Emily Dickinson. She was closed in away from everyone. We read a poem of hers called “I’m nobody, who are you?” The poem taught us that it’s ok to be a nobody. I like the poem and I can relate to it because I too am a nobody.

Unpopular Opinions

 Today we started class off with a vocabulary quiz. After the quiz, we did an unpopular opinion activity and read our unpopular opinion out loud. Today’s class went by fast and it was interesting. The lesson was fun.


 Today in American literature, we did book work. We wrote down definitions and did exercises. The exercises we did were on the vocabulary words for lesson 2. The exercises were simple. It was a quiet class period. Today was boring.

Rhetorical Triangle

 Today in class, we didn’t do a bell ringer. We started going over the notes on ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos is when the speaker is experienced in a certain area. Logos is when you use logistics and facts. Lastly, pathos appeals to your feelings, and it makes you feel something.


 Today in class, we skipped our bell ringer and went straight into taking notes. The notes we took today were on arguments. In an argument it has 3 elements such as, the speaker, purpose, and the audience. There are 3 different types of claims also. Those three claims are claims of value, claims of fact, and claims of policy. Your claims must be accurate, specific, and clear. Todays class was okay.

sub blog

 Today we had a substitute teacher. She didn’t know what she was doing. She gave us work for another class. Then she told us the wrong assignment. We did our actual assignment and left. Today’s class was confusing.


Today in class, we did clusters. We did them based on a prompt “overrated”. In the clusters, we had to put what’s overrated and we had to tell why it was overrated. I didn’t like sharing my cluster because I wasn’t confident in what I had on my paper.

Overrated Cluster



 Todays class was stressful. We did a bell ringer on a short film. After the bell ringer, we took notes on brainstorming. Then, we went over paragraphs and corrected them. There were some paragraphs that were easy to fix and some that needed to be rewritten. The last paragraph was stressful, because it didn’t make sense. 


 The short film “Identity” was about a girl that finds out who she is. During the film, everyone is wearing a mask and some people changed their masks throughout the day. At the end of the film, the girl mask breaks and she takes it off. When the girl walked out without the mask on, everyone was shocked. Nobody knows who they are so they wear masks. The masks help hide their identity. I think this film is about finding who you are. The girl was happier without the mask on.

Format of The Body Paragraph

 Today in class, we learned the format of the body paragraph. This format can be really helpful when writing essays and constructed responses. The body paragraph has six parts. In the body paragraph you have a topic sentence, 2 pieces of evidence, 2 pieces of explained evidence, and the conclusion. Then we wrote our own body paragraphs. After we wrote our paragraph, we submitted them. This class was ok today.

My Cluster


Tuesday: January 17, 2023

 Today in class I took a test online. I thought the test was easy, because I knew the answers to the questions. After the test, I took notes on the writing process. There are 5 stages in the writing process. Step 1: Prewriting, step 2: Research, step 3: Drafting, step 4: Revising, and step 5: Editing. Using this process, your writing will improve a lot.

Friday: January 13, 2023

 Today in class we didn’t really learn anything. I walked in class, we didn’t have a bell ringer, and we went over 5 questions for a test we have. The class was cut short because we had to go get out chrome books checked. I’m kind of disappointed.

Thursday: January 12, 2023

 The class started off with a short film. I found the short film interesting and I feel like it is informative. After the bell ringer, we read a poem by Langston Hughes. The poem that we read was " I, Too ". I thought this poem was interesting. I thought this poem was interesting because at the end he said "I, too am America". The class today was kind of boring.

The Last 3 Minutes

 I believe this is the purpose because when you die, you would want someone to remember you. When you live your life to the fullest , you will have good memories. Life moments that flash before your eyes should be happy.You should live and learn from your experiences. The man in the film had happy moments and some sad moments flash before his eyes.

Wednesday: January 11, 2023

 Today's class started off boring and then it got interesting. We started the class off by doing discussion questions for the poem we read yesterday. We read a new poem today by Langston Hughes. The poem "Mother to Son" was Inspirational. I say this because the poem tells me that no matter what happens, never give up on my hopes and dreams. If your dreams are worth fighting for, then you should try to achieve them no matter what. I really like this poem today. I feel like I like this poem so much because I feel a connection to it.

Tuesday: January 10, 2023

 Todays class was informative. I learned about the reasoning behind langston hughes poems. I learned that langston wrote the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” after high school. I didn’t really understand this poem, probably because it didn’t speak to me. Overall the class was interesting and kind of boring. 

The Best Advice

      The best advice I got from my mother/guardian was everybody isn't your friend. There wasn't a specific situation that prompted her to give me this advice. She gave me this advice just because. I listen to all the advice she gives me. As a result of this advice I lost a couple of so called friends. Those friends weren't really my friends because they would talk about me in a negative way after we stopped being friends. So in the end, I don't have any friends. I don't trust many people to be in my inner circle.

Monday: January 9, 2023

 Today in class, we played kahoot and took a pre-test. I think I did ok on the pre-test because I answered all the questions and I finished the constructed response. The questions weren’t hard but the test was boring, because we had to read 2 passages. I don’t like to read when I have to. When i’m supposed to read it’s boring but when I don’t have to I will because i’m not forced to do it. Class was ok today. I enjoyed it.

The Elevator Short Film

This film was interesting. I say this because there was one man on the elevator and he was like it's getting packed. He started to calculate the weight of everyone on the elevator based on how big they were. After he calculated the weights of everyone, he saw that it was over the amount it was supposed to be. I didn't like how he switched elevators because of the other one. One theme from this film is don't judge a book by its cover. Another theme is to wear a mask when you're sick. 


 My name is Tyteonna. After high school I aspire to be a surgeon. My hobby is singing. My top 3 musical artists are Billie Eilish, Lewis Capaldi, and SZA. I am an Aquarius, I don’t have a favorite color, and I have 3 siblings. My favorite food is Pizza. I want to visit California to see the Hollywood wall of fame.