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Showing posts from February, 2023


 Today in american literature, Ms. Cook taught us a lesson. The lesson was an interesting lesson. The question of the day was: Is killing someone in the military justifiable? My answer to this question was no at first because killing someone is never justifiable. As the class went on my answer changed from no to yes. We read a passage named “Ambush”. The reason why I changed my answer was because when you’re in a life or death situation, you don’t really have time to think. Today’s class was interesting.

Substitute Teacher

 Today my teacher was not here. We had work to do that was left for us. We had to read a passage and answer questions corresponding to the passage. This task was simple and kind of boring. After we finished the assignment, we didn’t have anything else to do so we sat there until it was time to go. Today’s class was boring.

Free Day

Mr. Rease should let us have free time for the rest of the block. I say this because it’s the end of the week. At the end of the week people want to sit down and relax. Another reason we should have the remainder of the block off is because we have other classes that stress us out. We do not need stress on top of stress. Stressing could lead to difficulty doing tasks that should come easy.


 Today we didn’t have class. We went to a program outside of our school. It showed us what happens when you drink and drive. The program was boring because we couldn’t really hear anything and we couldn’t tell what was going on.


 Today in class, we presented our Black Owned Businesses project. The projects were interesting because some of us had the same black owned real estate business. After that, we watched a short film and took notes on it.


 Today in class, we did bookwork. We wrote down definitions and wrote sentences based on the words. After that, we completed exercises 1 and 3. Today’s class was kind of chill.


 Today in class, we took notes on characterization. Characterization has the acronym steal. Steal means Speech, Thoughts, Effect, Action, and Looks. After we took notes we read a poem. The poem was interesting. Today’s class was ok.


 Today in class, we had a student teacher. Her name was Ms. Cook. We read a poem about dreams and discussed it. The poem we read was called “HARLEM” by Langston Hughes. After we read and annotated the poem, we did an activity. We had to write down our dreams on a cut out heart and describe how we would get there. Today’s class was really fun and I enjoyed it.


 Today in class, we did a bell ringer on our pledge to our African American culture. After that, we read a Maya Angelou poem called “The Black Family Pledge”. Then, we went over our black history project. I feel good about class today. I found today’s class better than the rest. Today was great.


 Today in class, we finished our quote analysis. While we were finishing our quote analysis, my teacher played a short film on Emily Dickinson. Today’s class was chill.

Quote analysis

 Today in class, we watched videos on Emily Dickinson. After we watched the videos, we did quote analysis on her quotes. The quotes were kind of hard to analyze. Today’s class was ok.


 Today in class, we presented our one pagers in front of the class. I didn’t like presenting, because it’s scary. I think everyone else’s one pager was better than mine. My one pager was plain and boring, but everyone else’s was detailed and fun. Today’s class was interesting.




 Today in class, we wrote definitions of vocabulary words and did work based on the vocabulary words. After that, we worked on our one-pager. Today’s class was kind of boring.