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Last Day

 I wasn’t in class.
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 Today the rest of my class took their final. The class period was ok. I watched a movie because I didn’t have anything else to do. 


 Today, I took my final exam for my American literature class. The exam was pretty simple and the questions were easy. I made a 78 out of 100. The test was short and the answers were based off of memory. Today’s class was good.

Make up Work

 Today, my teacher gave us the class period to make up missing work. I didn’t do anything because I didn’t have any missing work to make up. Today’s class was ok.


 Today, we finished our comprehension papers from the other day. After we finished that paper, we did make up work. I worked on my work from another class. We had the option to do another assignment for extra credit. I didn’t do this assignment because I don’t need extra credit. Class was ok.